Contact Radius
We are always happy to answer questions, but here are some FAQs to save us time (which equals more time to craft, yay)! Please make sure your question is not already answered here before submitting your form.
What is your cancellation/ refund policy?
Cancellation policy: Registration may be cancelled up until 3 weeks prior to the first class date, with a 10% processing fee. After that, refunds or cancellations cannot be made for any reason. While we understand that sometimes things happen, we are unable to recoup the expense of empty spaces in workshops and are unable to refund or reschedule even in the case of COVID or a family emergency.
Why don’t you have a phone number?
A ringing phone distracts our members while they are at work, so we prefer to keep in touch with you via email instead.
Do I need to make an appointment to come check out the space?
Nope! Come on down during our open shop hours and say hello! Thursdays 5-9pm, Fridays 4-8pm, Saturdays 1-5pm and Sundays 10am-2pm.
Do you have any private studio spaces?
We do not offer any private workspace. Monthly Members get personal shelving space to store their items, and use our shared equipment and workrooms.
When/How can I pick up work made in a one day workshop?
Work made in class will be ready for pick up one calendar month after your workshop date. This gives us time to complete the multi-step firing and glazing process. You will have one month from this date to come pick up your work before it is donated. You will not be emailed/notified when your piece is ready so, please take note of your class date and any pickup information your instructor provides. Pickup hours are during our regular open hours, Thursday 5-9pm // Friday 4-8pm // Saturday 1-5pm // Sunday 10am-2pm. The front desk will assist with locating your work.
What is your schedule like for 10 week workshops?
Our 10 week sessions run Jan-March, April-June, July-September and October-December
Registration for each session goes live ONE MONTH before the start of the workshop dates, so stay tuned via our weekly newsletter to be notified of the exact date/time we post them.
The workshop I’m interested in is sold out — is there a waitlist?
Yep! Just email us and specify what workshop you’re interested in. If a spot becomes available, we open it on the website and email everyone on the waitlist for that workshop. The spot is then filled first come, first serve via online registration.
The workshop I’m interested in is sold out — can I preregister for the next session?
Sorry, no preregistration is available. The best way to stay informed is to get on our mailing list to receive notifications when class registration goes live each session.
*Sometimes our newsletter ends up in your spam folder so be sure to check!
Can I fire my ceramic work in your kilns if I made it outside of the studio?
We offer cone 10 glaze firing to the general public in our gas reduction kiln. Unfortunately, we do not have the capacity to bisque or glaze fire non-member work in our electric kilns.
Can I use my own clay and glazes?
We do allow members to use clay and glazes from outside of the studio as long as they check in with the on-duty staff to make sure that everything is formulated for use in a cone 6 firing (or cone 10 if you are firing your work in our gas kiln).
Do you sell gift certificates?
YES! We have gift certificates for workshops!
Are children allowed in the studio?
Children are allowed in our retail shop but unfortunately, our workshops are 18+ unless otherwise noted in the workshop description.